Cervical Spondylitis ( रीढ़ की हड्डी में सूजन ) रोग का जड़ से इलाज मात्र 1199* रुपए में ।

4.9 47921+ Ratings

उन्नत निदान तकनीकें और विस्तृत केस अध्ययन

योग्य और प्रशिक्षित डॉक्टर

परिणामोन्मुखी जर्मन तकनीक

क्लिनिक में निदान के साथ उपचार

आहार और व्यायाम से उपचारात्मक उपचार

सरवाइकल स्पोंडिलोसिस", जिसे कभी-कभी गर्दन का गठिया भी कहा जाता है, जो सर्वाइकल स्पाइन (गर्दन की हड्डीयों का समूह) में दर्द और समस्याओं को दर्शाती है।

इसका मुख्य कारण है सर्वाइकल स्पाइन की हड्डियों में कमी या कड़कपन की समस्या।

सर्वाइकल स्पॉन्डाइलाइटिस के लक्षण में गर्दन दर्द, सीने में दर्द, अकड़न, और शरीर के ऊपरी हिस्सों की समस्याएँ हो सकती हैं।

होम्योपैथी में इसका सही उपचार उपलब्ध है।

सही उपचार और सही तरीके अपनाकर इसे समय के साथ जड़ से खत्म किया जा सकता है।

रीढ़ की हड्डी में सूजन रोग का होम्योपैथिक इलाज मात्र 1199* रुपए में ।

Some of Our Cured Cases:

Advance diagnostic technique and detail case study.
Qualified and well trained doctors.
Completed online solution from consulation to home.
100 % Result oriented German technique.
At Clinic treatment with diagnostic.
Curative Treatment with diet and exercise.

Re-live Homoeopathy Provide Curative Treatment for Advance Diseases

Online Consultation

Monday - Saturday

09:30AM - 01:00PM

05:30PM - 09:00PM

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30 MIN

At Clinic Consultation

Monday - Saturday

09:30AM - 01:00PM

05:30PM - 09:00PM

Book Your Slot

30 MIN

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Step : 1

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Step : 2

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Step : 3

ऑनलाइन या कैश ऑन डिलीवरी पेमेंट करें

Step : 4

अपनी दवाएँ अपने घर के पते पर प्राप्त करें

Know Your Doctor

Dr. Nadeem Khan

PG(Pr. Greece)

Dr. Nadeem Khan is a seasoned Homeopath consultant located in Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow, with over 8 years of experience in fostering optimal health for his patients.
He has a BHMS degree from Agra University and post-graduation ( P ) from Greece,
which showcases his commitment to advancing his knowledge in the field.

“You will know the magic of homeopathy medicines once you have got treatment from here... Full marks to Dr. Nadeem and his medicines"

- Lalit Sharma

"He is very good and polite doctor, he listens to every patient very calmly n understands problems. I got treated for so many allergies and one of my family member got treated for sinus. Best results from homeopathy"

- Arnika Chauhan

"Highly recommended !! We have shifted to homeopathy from last 2 years now & the credit goes to Dr. Nadeem. His detailed diagnosis techniques / personality analysis and subsequent medication ensures that the problem is fully cured. Best wishes...”

- Pallav Jain

"Dr.Khan is the best homeopathic doctor I have come across till date.His diagnosis is accurate and he is not at all money minded like most the doctors these days.I would definitely recommend him to everyone looking for a good doctor.”

- Pooja Srivastava

"One of the best doctor in lucknow. He is too polite and gentle.I din’t had much believe in homeopathy medicines earlier but he changed my mine and now in my family have completed switched to homeopathy medicine in his guidance…”

- Abhishek Yadav

"I was suffering from anxiety and stress since my teenage time.Dr.Nadeem started my treatment from 2018, I am much more relieved now and got cured from depression.Treatment of anxiety and stress takes time and Dr.Nadeem is specialist in this kind of treatment.”

- Sahil Srivastava

"I went to Dr.Nadeem for corn on my heel due to which I had severe pain and all the derma docs asked me to get it operated....But he cured it within 3 months completely after which we have that trust in him and from last 2 years we are only taking homeopathic medicines from him....He is very patient and kind hearted as well.....Even I have referred him to many of my relatives and friends and all are very satisfied by the treatment line as well as his behaviour....”

- Chandni Gupta

"True by name i.e. Re Live. Courtesy extended by doctor & professionally treating the causes of health problems . Great 👍”

- Ajit Mishra